God's desire is to walk with us. He has ordered our path, watched our steps and kept us from danger. He wants communion and fellowship with us. When you are walking according to the will of God, He will direct your path and give you direction. God's way is always the right way. He knows where He is going. He knows the end from the beginning. The greatest thing you can have going for you in your Christian walk is to have God order your steps.
God wants fellowship with His kids. That's exactly why He came to earth to die for our sins. He wants to restore fellowship with us so He can walk with us again. We love to talk about what we want from God but what does God want from us? He loves worship but that's not all. He wants praise but it does not totally satisfy. So what does God really want from His people? He wants relationship. He wants to walk with us and if He does, He wants to be in charge. Let God order your steps.
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