Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lost Youth---Angry Adulthood

Lost- Youth -----------------Angry- Adulthood

In Luke 15: 11-24, there is a story of a lost young boy. He was not lost by accident. No, this loss took time and many an encounter with his father and his elder brother. Luke said that a "man" had two sons. The man is every man. The son is two natures. The attitude of the younger of impatience, I've got to live now. I can't wait for time to make me ready to deal with life. I can't live by waiting. I've got to live now the way I want to live. The old nature of Adam bringing rebellion causes the young man to break free of his father’s loving arms. The parable is not in the story of go or stay, as the question races through the reader's mind. To stay home or hunt a distant land is not the center theme of this teaching. The only important fact is the "relationship" with the father.
Youth wants what is not his, things that were provided by someone else. Youth claims without second thought. He feels that whatever the father has is his at no cost to him. Selfishness is the motivation behind the statement "Give me the portion of goods that falleth to me".
Youth took what he had not worked for; thinking what his father’s was his by relationship. Youth not only was willing to take his father's goods, but he was going to journey far for the place where his needs were met. He was going to a "far country". To youth, the grass is way greener somewhere else. The problem is that the grass still has to be cut by someone. The end of these type decisions is always wasting. He "wasted" his substance with "riotous" (wrong, drunkenness, sexual) loose living.
When time has passed, Youth came to find himself in great want. That which comes easy goes easy. Youth in this story tries to deliver him. He takes a job in the "Hog Pen" and eating with the pigs. When we permit our own attitude to take a vacation from church and the things of the father, it is only a matter of time before we find ourselves in the hog pen of life. Instead of accepting his mistakes and repenting of his sins, he pushes himself to the end of his endurance and comes to harm.
Only when hunger gets so bad that it brings back memories of home does Youth "come to himself". Too often when people leave the Father and the church, people try to send them care packages. There is a danger as long as they are outside of the Father's protection and the caring of His church. Let them get hungry, real hungry and they will come to themselves. It was the hunger that drove Youth home. Everything that we as the people of God do for the outsider can never supply the hunger of the inside. Youth needs a meal of "communion" with his Father. The structure of a heavenly home life, given by the Heavenly Father. This is the only thing that can truly satisfy the deepest longing of anyone.
Before Youth started home, he was already home in his heart. The pride of his younger days gave place to the lesson of life. I will arise; everyone has to get up there they feel. There has to come a day when "Youth" said, "the servants of my father's house fare well", but he looks at me. He was accepting what he had done to himself. Everything that had happened was a direct reaction to the decision that he had personally made. I will go to my father. The point of victory is when one is willing to face the Father, with the fact of failure. I will say, Youth said, "I have sinned against you (Father) and against heaven. To go against the word of the Father is to go against the authority of heaven. Father I am no longer worthy to be your son, make me a servant. No son of God is truly a son if he is not a servant. In truth "Youth" had not been a real son before now, he was being born again into the family where the Father is the head of the house.
When Youth reaches sight of home, his father sees him afar off and comes meeting him. After the greeting and "Youth" confessing his wrong to the Father and asking to be a servant, the father says, "rejoice". My son that was dead to me is alive again. My son that was lost to me is back home safe and sound. He is found to me. All of the family should rejoice over the "lost son" being found. If not for "youth" sake then for the father's sake. If you can't be happy of the return of the wayward, then accept the joy of the father and rejoice with him. Church, for heaven sake is happy of a repented sinner. If heaven can rejoice of a sinner repenting, should not the family of God rejoice. The youth man had suffered for his decisions. He lost his inheritance. He had shamed himself before strangers and then before his father. But he did not need more pain. The father knew and understood this, but not the "elder brother".
The elder brother had stayed home, working and saving. He had labored while his "younger" brother was partying. When Junior talked the old man into giving his portion, it hurt cash flow. It made operating expenses hard to budget. There were a few months and years that the "elder" had to cut corners.
Now here he is again. Back, broke, smelling like a pig, giving "Dad" a sad story and wanting to get more of what I worked for. But, as being the "elder son", there was a double portion, which was his by law. The elder was always going to get twice as much as the younger. Right and wrong is not in who worked, who failed, who has or who has not. We all must remember it is the "father's right to do with what is his as he wished and we should rejoice over all his decisions.
If the father wants to restore any claim back, then rejoice with him. 
If it pleases the father, it will also please his children.
 Be happy that the father's wishes are fulfilled, 
that his desire is completely known in full salvation. 
No matter what a son might be, he is still his father's son.


If a man is impatient, then he had better not become a farmer. 
No crop appears overnight (except perhaps a crop of weeds), and no farmer has control over the weather. Too much rain can cause the crop to rot, and too much sun can burn it up.
 An early frost can kill the crop.
 How long-suffering the farmer must be with the weather!
He must also have patience with the seed and the crop, for it takes time for plants to grow. Jewish farmers would plow and sow in what to us are the autumn months. 
The "early rain" would soften the soil The "latter rain" would come in the early spring (over February-March) and help to mature the harvest.
 The farmer had to wait many weeks for his seed to produce fruit.

Why did he willingly wait so long? Because the fruit is "precious" (5:7). The harvest is worth waiting for"In due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal. 6:9). "For the earth produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come" (Mark 4:28-29, NASB).
James pictured the Christian as a "spiritual farmer" looking for a spiritual harvest. "Be ye also patient, establish your heart ..." (5:8). Our hearts are the soil, and the "seed is the Word of God" (Luke 8:11). There are seasons to the spiritual life just as there are seasons to the soil. Sometimes, our hearts become cold and "wintry," and the Lord has to "plow them up" before He can plant the seed (Jer. 4:3). He sends the sunshine and the rains of His goodness to water and nurture the seeds planted; but we must be patient to wait for the harvest.
Here, then, is a secret of endurance when the going is tough: God is producing a harvest in our lives. He wants the "Fruit of the Spirit" to grow(Gal. 5:22-23), and the only way He can do it is through trials and troubles. Instead of growing impatient with God and with ourselves, we must yield to the Lord and permit the fruit to grow. We are "spiritual farmers" looking for a harvest.
You can enjoy this kind of a harvest only if your heart is established (James 5:8). One of the purposes of the spiritual ministry of the local church is to establish the heart (Rom 1:11). Paul sent Timothy to Thessalonica to establish the young Christians in their faith (I Thes. 3: 1-3); and Paul also prayed fro them that they might be established (I Thes. 3: 10-13). The ministry of the Word of God and prayer are important if the heart is going to be established. A heart that is not established cannot bear fruit.
Keep in mind that the farmer does not stand around doing nothing: he is constantly at work as he looks toward the harvest. James did not tell these suffering believers to put on white robes, climb a hill, and wait for Jesus to return. "Keep working and waiting" was his admonition. "Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing" (Luke 12:43).
Nor does the farmer get into fights with his neighbors. One of the usual marks of farmers is their willingness to help one another. Nobody on the farm has time or energy for disputes with the neighbors. James must have had this in mind when he added, "Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged" (5:9, NIV). Impatience with God often leads to impatience with God's people, and this is a sin we must avoid. If we start using the sickles on each other, we will miss the harvest!


God's desire is to walk with us. He has ordered our path, watched our steps and kept us from danger. He wants communion and fellowship with us. When you are walking according to the will of God, He will direct your path and give you direction. God's way is always the right way. He knows where He is going. He knows the end from the beginning. The greatest thing you can have going for you in your Christian walk is to have God order your steps.

In our walk with God, we sometimes fall short in what we need to be. The problem is, we somehow feel removed from God because of our failures. But, according to this scripture, when we fall we shall not be cast down. God will uphold us with His hand. He will never leave us. Our steps are ordered. If God has begun a work in you, He will complete it till the day of the Lord. Order my steps, Lord.

 God wants fellowship with His kids. That's exactly why He came to earth to die for our sins. He wants to restore fellowship with us so He can walk with us again. We love to talk about what we want from God but what does God want from us? He loves worship but that's not all. He wants praise but it does not totally satisfy. So what does God really want from His people? He wants relationship. He wants to walk with us and if He does, He wants to be in charge. Let God order your steps.

Good and Evil Man

Good man:

1) Trusts in the Lord
2) Delights in the Lord
3) Commits his ways to God
4) Rests in the Lord
5) Shall inherit the earth
6) They shall be satisfied even in famine
7) Has an eternal inheritance
8) Has his steps ordered by the Lord
9) He shall not be cast down even when he falls
10) Is upheld by the hand of the Lord
11) Never forsaken or begging bread
12) Shall be exalted

Evil man:

1) Cut down like grass
2) Wither like herbs
3) Shall be cut off
4) Plots against the just
5) kills
6) Arms shall be broken
7) Shall perish
8) Borrows and does not pay back
9) Seeds shall be cut off
10) Seeks to slay the righteous

The Power of being Positive


Philippians 4: 4-9

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. The peace that passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We should think on these things if there be any virtue or praise.

1) true
2) honest
3) just
4) pure
5) lovely
6) good report
Not only that, we should do the things that we have seen our elders do. The God of peace shall be with you.
Ok, I'm tired of battling. Over the last few months I have been in war. The first night of Conference when I got home, I told my wife that I have had enough. I said, "I have never lived my life in defeat and I have no plans to start now!" I told the Lord that I was tired and that I wanted to see some victory. The thought came to me that if you want victory then you gotta speak victory. If you want a victorious life, then speak positive. If you want to be successful at work, have a positive attitude.
Grace Apostolic Church is a victorious church. We are God's chosen people. We are going to be the bride of Christ someday. We need to hear positive preaching. We need to hear positive singing. Our Sunday school teachers are positive in what they believe and positive in how they do it. It's victory time!
Negative people get on my nerves. I cannot stand negativity. It stinks. It drains me. When Jesus walked this earth, he was a victory man. He did not complain. He just did his job and he did it well. People that complain are lazy people. If you are busy, then you would not have time to complain. If some of us are ever going to get more mature in God, we are going to have to stop being so negative and realize that God has given us to victory. He told us to fear not that he has overcome the world. He did not say that one day he would, he said that he HAS. God is so awesome. It's victory time!
One reason people do not have victory is that they have stinking thinking. Paul said in Ephesians 6: 10-18 that we should put on the whole armor of God. The devil is a jerk. He wants in your home. He wants to steal, kill and destroy. We do not wrestle flesh and blood but we wrestle all kinds of evil. Here is what we need to fight the devil and have victory:
1) Loins girt with truth: truth is precious. We need truth around our waist to protect ourselves and future generations from attack from the enemy. Truth is only as good as your belief and your actions.
2) Breastplate of righteousness: this covers our heart. Make sure your heart is right before God.
3) Feet shod with gospel of peace: got peace? If not, where have you been walking? What are you watching? What are you doing?
4) Shielf of faith: our faith protects us. Better know what you believe. A cult is a belief but it brings no victory.
5) Helmet of salvation: if your thinking is wrong, every other part of your armor will be wrong. You better know what the plan of salvation is and not waver.
6) Sword of spirit: the word of God is a lamp and light to us.
7) Pray in the Spirit: we put our armor into use by praying in the Spirit. This is where victory comes.
I John 5:4 says, For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our Faith.
In order to have victory, you have to be positive. Negative comments, attitudes and actions are ungodly. We are not a defeated people. We need to seize the moment and know that God is in control. Also, people that are negative are not witnessing therefore negative people are hindering the work of God. No wonder you are negative. It is hard to have victory when you are out of God's will. That is exactly what happens when we become negative. We stop witnessing. We stop worshipping. We stop letting God use us. We become our own worst enemy. We become ourselves. Paul said in Romans 12: 1-2 that we should be transformed by renewing our salvation mind. We need to stop being so worldly. We are too carnal! Present your bodies a living sacrifice and you will please God.
Listen to what Paul said to the Corinthians in I Corinthians 15: 57-58. He said, "But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. You know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
Know what you believe. Believe what you know. Say only positive things. Stop being a stick in the mud. You aren't dead yet. Lighten up. Smile. Be nice. Stop being mean. Be a sweety. No really. We need to show people that we really do love them. God is love. He has blessed us coming and going. If you cannot say something nice to someone, then hush. The world will love you and I will too.
David was getting ready to retire. I mean really retire. At the end of his life, he said some powerful words that reflected on his relationship with God and victory in his life. I Chronicles 29: 10-13 records these marvelous words.
Wherefore David blessed the Lord before all the congregation. David said, "Blessed be thou Lord God of Israel our father forever and ever. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, power, glory, victory and majesty. All that is in heaven and in earth is thine. Thine is the kingdom and you are exalted as head above all. Riches and honour come of thee and you reign over all. In your hand you make great and give strength to all. Now, our God, I thank thee and praise thy glorious name."
David knew God. He had a relationship with him. 
Let's be positive people and love the Lord and each other with all our hearts.
 Finally, we only love God as much as we love one another.
 Love never fails.
 Let us love each other to victory in Christ Jesus.

What is Grace?

What is Grace?

The author Frederick Buechner, in his book Wishful Thinking, puts it this way: "The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. It's for you I created the universe. I love you. There's only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too."

When I think of the grace of God, I think of steadfast love, compassion, mercy—a kind of unconditional acceptance that is unlike human love. To me, Psalm 103 describes the way in which God reaches out to us with this forgiving, all-encompassing love. The other powerful illustration of "grace" is the way Jesus treated persons-- accepting those who were considered outcasts by eating with them, healing them, listening and talking with them.

Grace is the unconditional love of God for us, exactly as we are, apart from our own efforts. This is the accepted definition of "grace," with the ending phrase reassuring us that we have no worries about our present state of sinfulness.

What is Holiness?- (the concept)

What is Holiness?

Holiness is a complex concept. It refers to the essence of God's being, not so much a single attribute but perhaps the sum of all attributes.
Holiness suggests the power of God's presence (as when God appeared to Moses on Sinai), the “glory” (Greek: doxa) or aura of God's presence, the mystery of God when God is encountered, and the deep and hard-to-grasp nature of God as one who is both merciful and impatient with humanity, as one who has a special place in his heart for Israel and yet is God of all creation, as one who walks among the people and yet also awaits them on the mountain.
The holiness of God is both the majesty of God incarnate and the wonder of God beyond sight. Thus, one can walk into a “holy place,” like a quiet church, and feel caught up in something much larger than those walls and windows.

My Common Bond

My Common Bond
After Hurricane Katrina, I felt depressed, confused, and vulnerable. I had been thinking about the people trapped in New Orleans, of ways I could help, and of what in heaven's name was going to go wrong next. Storms, floods, gas lines, and war. Golly. What next?

Even so, I worked, donated to relief efforts, and things were sort of moving on. I have an active spiritual life and rely on it for support and comfort. I'm active in my church - attending regularly and fully involved. I looked to it for comfort and direction. Especially at this time. And it provided them but in a unexpected way.

The church called in the evening. It was 6:30 and eighteen people from New Orleans were going to be at the church at 8:30 to stay in our retreat center for some time. We knew almost nothing about them or what they would need but wanted to prepare as well as we could. Could I go to the store and buy food and toiletries and so on? And could I go right now?

Of course I could. I was on the way in less than five minutes, arrived at the store, and got to work. I went through at record speed selecting spaghetti makings, things for salad, bread, butter, cookies, pudding, juice boxes, granola bars, chips, and more. I got diapers (several sizes even though we were not sure that there would be any children at all), toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, and other hygiene items. In short order, my buggy overflowed with all sorts of things. I, like everyone at church, wanted to be ready when our guests arrived and didn't want to forget anything.

I unloaded the buggy quickly so I could get to the church. The woman checking me out noted the diapers and asked me if I had many children. I explained that was this shopping was part of our church's work to help a family from New Orleans.

She paused and looked at me and said "I want to help too. I want to give $10. I know what it's like. I'm a refugee too." She explained that she was from Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and that she had lost everything too at one time. She had come through all of that and was working hard to make a new life and was willing to share some of what little she had. Her natural generosity was striking and inspiring. I accepted her gift gratefully and left the store uplifted.

At that moment, my worries evaporated. I realized that God was with us and was working through us all in this terrible time. The message was that recovery can happen, hardship can foster generosity, and that through service to others, we can also help ourselves. And finally, I realized that when we least expect it, God will show Himself. And isn't it wonderful when we notice?

Steve K.
Atlanta, GA

Jesus Help Me

"Jesus help me"

is a cry from your heart. You come to Jesus because He is the only one who can help you.
Remember... the Lord always watches over you. Jesus is your strength, so turn to Him.
To Jesus, your life is an open book. Jesus knows you individually and has always loved you. He sees what weighs heavily on your heart and what pains you.
When you have a problem, take it to Jesus. He is always ready to help you... if you want His help.

Many times we try to handle our problems all by ourselves... and it doesn't work

Jesus please help me. My life is difficult.
Do you have family, job or money worries? Have people hurt you? Do you suffer from health problems? Have you lost a loved one?
Take your problems to Jesus. Trust Him to help you. And Jesus, who loves you so much, will give you the strength you need.

Jesus help me. I am sick and very afraid.
My doctors tell me that I have only a short time to live. My faith is weak. What can I do? 

Don’t be afraid. Jesus loves you. Trust Him; He will always be with you.

Courage is being scared to death, but trusting God anyway.

Jesus help me. My life is a mess. 
An addiction controls me. I feel like a failure and want to give up. 
Ask Jesus to help you overcome your addiction. Pray the Rosary and practise Devotion to the Sacred Heart.
"The addict in the established stage is powerless over their addiction and must seek the help of a higher power."
(Dr. Patrick Carnes, pioneer in addiction research)

Jesus help me. I have a mental health problem and I often get angry with you. 
Please forgive me.
Jesus understands. He loves you very much. Pray and He will 
be your strength. Make time to read Bible passages that strengthen your trust in Jesus. 

Jesus help me. I am hurting because of a broken relationship.
I can't seem to get past it. My life has little meaning. 
Jesus wants you to let go of the past and to build new relationships. Find strength and guidance in prayer.

Jesus help me. I long to have someone in my life.
I am so tired of being alone. 
Jesus knows your pain. Study His life and witness the many times His heart suffered loneliness. Pray that the right godly one walks into your life, anything other than whats not intended should be moved out. In everything whether you find your life partner or not GOD will be your close friend.

Jesus help me. I desperately need to find a job.
I have made phone calls, sent resumes and gone to interviews and still no job offers.
Keep trying. Jesus knows it is not easy to find work in these difficult times. 

Jesus help me. I am such a failure. 
My life is a long list of failures, bad decisions, missed opportunities and wasted years. I have so many regrets.
Don’t let the past pull you down. You need to forgive yourself. Jesus wants you to live in the present.

Jesus help me. I have sinned.
So many times, I broke your commandments. Part of me says, ‘Go to Jesus and He will forgive you.’ Another part tells me, ‘Your sins are too many’.”
Listen to the part that tells you to go to Jesus. It isn't too late.  His Mercy is far greater than your sins. And Jesus still loves you.

Jesus please help me. I can't go on.
Nobody cares what happens to me. I struggle to survive but my life doesn't get better.
When you feel helpless, think of Jesus. He was in great pain carrying His cross. Many friends had deserted Him. People were shouting, "Crucify him." Jesus felt He couldn't go on.
Our Lord suffered, and in every life there will be suffering. Jesus is your strength so turn to Him when things look darkest… and He will help you.