"Jesus help me"
is a cry from your heart. You come to Jesus because He is the only one who can help you.
Remember... the Lord always watches over you. Jesus is your strength, so turn to Him.
To Jesus, your life is an open book. Jesus knows you individually and has always loved you. He sees what weighs heavily on your heart and what pains you.
When you have a problem, take it to Jesus. He is always ready to help you... if you want His help.
Many times we try to handle our problems all by ourselves... and it doesn't work
Jesus please help me. My life is difficult.
Do you have family, job or money worries? Have people hurt you? Do you suffer from health problems? Have you lost a loved one?
Do you have family, job or money worries? Have people hurt you? Do you suffer from health problems? Have you lost a loved one?
Take your problems to Jesus. Trust Him to help you. And Jesus, who loves you so much, will give you the strength you need.
Jesus help me. I am sick and very afraid.
My doctors tell me that I have only a short time to live. My faith is weak. What can I do?
My doctors tell me that I have only a short time to live. My faith is weak. What can I do?
Don’t be afraid. Jesus loves you. Trust Him; He will always be with you.
Courage is being scared to death, but trusting God anyway.
Jesus help me. My life is a mess.
An addiction controls me. I feel like a failure and want to give up.
An addiction controls me. I feel like a failure and want to give up.
Ask Jesus to help you overcome your addiction. Pray the Rosary and practise Devotion to the Sacred Heart.
"The addict in the established stage is powerless over their addiction and must seek the help of a higher power."
(Dr. Patrick Carnes, pioneer in addiction research)
Jesus help me. I have a mental health problem and I often get angry with you.
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Jesus understands. He loves you very much. Pray and He will
be your strength. Make time to read Bible passages that strengthen your trust in Jesus.
Jesus help me. I am hurting because of a broken relationship.
I can't seem to get past it. My life has little meaning.
I can't seem to get past it. My life has little meaning.
Jesus wants you to let go of the past and to build new relationships. Find strength and guidance in prayer.
Jesus help me. I long to have someone in my life.
I am so tired of being alone.
I am so tired of being alone.
Jesus knows your pain. Study His life and witness the many times His heart suffered loneliness. Pray that the right godly one walks into your life, anything other than whats not intended should be moved out. In everything whether you find your life partner or not GOD will be your close friend.

I have made phone calls, sent resumes and gone to interviews and still no job offers.
Keep trying. Jesus knows it is not easy to find work in these difficult times.
Jesus help me. I am such a failure.
My life is a long list of failures, bad decisions, missed opportunities and wasted years. I have so many regrets.
My life is a long list of failures, bad decisions, missed opportunities and wasted years. I have so many regrets.
Don’t let the past pull you down. You need to forgive yourself. Jesus wants you to live in the present.
Jesus help me. I have sinned.
So many times, I broke your commandments. Part of me says, ‘Go to Jesus and He will forgive you.’ Another part tells me, ‘Your sins are too many’.”
Listen to the part that tells you to go to Jesus. It isn't too late. His Mercy is far greater than your sins. And Jesus still loves you.
Jesus please help me. I can't go on.
Nobody cares what happens to me. I struggle to survive but my life doesn't get better.
Nobody cares what happens to me. I struggle to survive but my life doesn't get better.
When you feel helpless, think of Jesus. He was in great pain carrying His cross. Many friends had deserted Him. People were shouting, "Crucify him." Jesus felt He couldn't go on.
Our Lord suffered, and in every life there will be suffering. Jesus is your strength so turn to Him when things look darkest… and He will help you.
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