Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. The peace that passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We should think on these things if there be any virtue or praise.
1) true
2) honest3) just
4) pure
5) lovely
6) good report
Not only that, we should do the things that we have seen our elders do. The God of peace shall be with you.
Ok, I'm tired of battling. Over the last few months I have been in war. The first night of Conference when I got home, I told my wife that I have had enough. I said, "I have never lived my life in defeat and I have no plans to start now!" I told the Lord that I was tired and that I wanted to see some victory. The thought came to me that if you want victory then you gotta speak victory. If you want a victorious life, then speak positive. If you want to be successful at work, have a positive attitude.
Grace Apostolic Church is a victorious church. We are God's chosen people. We are going to be the bride of Christ someday. We need to hear positive preaching. We need to hear positive singing. Our Sunday school teachers are positive in what they believe and positive in how they do it. It's victory time!
Negative people get on my nerves. I cannot stand negativity. It stinks. It drains me. When Jesus walked this earth, he was a victory man. He did not complain. He just did his job and he did it well. People that complain are lazy people. If you are busy, then you would not have time to complain. If some of us are ever going to get more mature in God, we are going to have to stop being so negative and realize that God has given us to victory. He told us to fear not that he has overcome the world. He did not say that one day he would, he said that he HAS. God is so awesome. It's victory time!
One reason people do not have victory is that they have stinking thinking. Paul said in Ephesians 6: 10-18 that we should put on the whole armor of God. The devil is a jerk. He wants in your home. He wants to steal, kill and destroy. We do not wrestle flesh and blood but we wrestle all kinds of evil. Here is what we need to fight the devil and have victory:

2) Breastplate of righteousness: this covers our heart. Make sure your heart is right before God.
3) Feet shod with gospel of peace: got peace? If not, where have you been walking? What are you watching? What are you doing?
4) Shielf of faith: our faith protects us. Better know what you believe. A cult is a belief but it brings no victory.
5) Helmet of salvation: if your thinking is wrong, every other part of your armor will be wrong. You better know what the plan of salvation is and not waver.
6) Sword of spirit: the word of God is a lamp and light to us.
7) Pray in the Spirit: we put our armor into use by praying in the Spirit. This is where victory comes.
I John 5:4 says, For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our Faith.
In order to have victory, you have to be positive. Negative comments, attitudes and actions are ungodly. We are not a defeated people. We need to seize the moment and know that God is in control. Also, people that are negative are not witnessing therefore negative people are hindering the work of God. No wonder you are negative. It is hard to have victory when you are out of God's will. That is exactly what happens when we become negative. We stop witnessing. We stop worshipping. We stop letting God use us. We become our own worst enemy. We become ourselves. Paul said in Romans 12: 1-2 that we should be transformed by renewing our salvation mind. We need to stop being so worldly. We are too carnal! Present your bodies a living sacrifice and you will please God.
Listen to what Paul said to the Corinthians in I Corinthians 15: 57-58. He said, "But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. You know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
Know what you believe. Believe what you know. Say only positive things. Stop being a stick in the mud. You aren't dead yet. Lighten up. Smile. Be nice. Stop being mean. Be a sweety. No really. We need to show people that we really do love them. God is love. He has blessed us coming and going. If you cannot say something nice to someone, then hush. The world will love you and I will too.
David was getting ready to retire. I mean really retire. At the end of his life, he said some powerful words that reflected on his relationship with God and victory in his life. I Chronicles 29: 10-13 records these marvelous words.

David knew God. He had a relationship with him.
Let's be positive people and love the Lord and each other with all our hearts.
Finally, we only love God as much as we love one another.
Love never fails.
Let us love each other to victory in Christ Jesus.
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